Quiet Reminders

Sigsworth says these cemeteries will pique your interest:
Columbia Center Cemetery, Columbia Township
This cemetery opened in 1811 when nine pioneers died in an ague epidemic four years after the township was settled. At least three members of the Bronson family are among these earliest burials.
Ridgeville Center Cemetery, North Ridgeville
It has several Revolutionary War burial sites. Among them: Corp. Joel Terrell, a veteran, shoemaker, tavern owner and one of 15 men who walked from Waterbury, Conn., to North Ridgeville in 30 days in 1810. Sgt. David Beebe and his son, David Jr., also were among the 15 walkers. Capt. John Barnum, a veteran who was the first “new” burial when it opened in 1819, was initially buried elsewhere in North Ridgeville.
Charleston Cemetery, Lorain
Diane Wargo Medina, who has been restoring grave markers there, says this Lorain cemetery also is known as the Bank Street or 6th Street Cemetery. Founded Sept. 15, 1828, Charleston Cemetery contains Lorain founding fathers Daniel T. Baldwin and Barna Meeker, brothers-in-laws who married sisters Sophia and Ann Reid.
Brown’s Lake Road Cemetery,
Brownhelm Township
Lucy Johnson of the Brownhelm Historical Association says members and friends have been clearing and restoring the cemetery after it was found abandoned and overgrown. They’ve learned that at least 29 people are buried there, and possibly as many as 100. Among them is Revolutionary War soldier Bildad Belden, who was buried here in 1824. He died just a few days after his daughter and her husband, who also are buried here.
Ridgelawn Cemetery, Elyria
Historian Pete Hritsko says the cemetery was settled in 1817 and is the original one in Elyria. Heman Ely’s family and other pioneers are buried here. Congressional Medal of Honor winner and Civil War veteran George Butts is buried here along with Edgar Fiske Allen, founder of Easter Seals.