For more than four decades, the Community Foundation of Lorain County has made dreams come true. And that commitment will become a reality once more during Connect to a Cause, the foundation’s fifth-annual, 12-hour crowdfunding campaign that takes place September 19 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Since its inception, the initiative has raised more than $1.6 million dollars for Lorain County nonprofit organizations. Last year, 94 nonprofits participated. Brittany Lovett, the foundation’s marketing, communications and strategic initiatives officer, expects that number to grow.

“Organizations that aren’t as well known continue to contact us,” Lovett says. “Connect to a Cause really opens up the avenue for them to be introduced to people who can benefit from their existence.”

As they have in the past, community leaders are a crucial component of the appeal’s success: The Business Champions assist the foundation with creating a prize pool for the nonprofits that participate. Part of the money is put toward a 17% match for every dollar they raise.

New to this year’s campaign, the Causes for All Fund invites donors to write one check, which will be equally divided among the nonprofits.

“No donation is too small,” Lovett says. “We appreciate those million-dollar gifts which we do receive from time to time. But it’s the everyday people who connect on a personal level with an organization and give what they can. No matter the narrative, there’s a cause that will matter to you.”